iseeAugust - September 2021?Back in the summer of 2020 is when I had this idea. My job at the time I had to move pellet fertilizer from one end of the farm elevator (those giant cyclinder building that hold all sorts of corn, wheat, soybeans, and such) down to the other end with a truck that was 3 or 4 times older than me. When I would dumb the pellets I would have to make sure they landed on the lift that carried it into a shed. I was playing stupid phone games, like those ones where you have your money increase over time and build up your town - dumb, I hate that I played some of those games - but I would keep on an eye on the lift and anouther eye on my phone. That's where the came from. Anyway, I thought, why didn't google glass get popular? Did they do it wrong? There's got to be a way a regular person can make this. Like I said the idea was back in 2020 and I had coded or worked on hardly any eletronic projeeks since my first year at University in 2016 - 2017, so I thought that I would need someone who is good at coding and electronics. I didn't actually start to work on it until I decided to go to the local University in August when school got in and check out any clubs on eletrical engineering. I met someone who was interested in my projeek. We're decent friends now I'd say, but we don't really talk at all on a regular basis, basically just about projeeks we're working on - pretty cool person. He helped me decide what types of things I should use for the isee. I first looked into a tiny device, which I forget the name of but was almost like a pico-w (type 1 picture). My friend was like, yeah I don't think that going to work, which was fine. He said it's a good start but I'd need something with more power. I also soon come to relize you can't stream video over bluetooth. Why didn't I know this before? He said I would need something like an hdmi to a raspberry pi (type 2 picutres). I got a screen for the pi from adafruit, which fit on the headers perfectly. It was a touch screen so I was it work as the smallest full computer I've ever seen. It was pretty funny to try and run it, using your giant fingers on a tiny touch screen. I was disatified with my work and didn't want to pursue it anymore. Onto the next projeek. Moisture DetectorMarch - April 2023 (pico-w) & August - October 2023 (app)My first, more successful hardware projeek. This device was meant to detect moisture in plants. There's no power button or switch which is a flaw of mine... soooo... the thing lasts like 2 hours of non stop AA battery usage. Which is very laaaaaame if you ask me. As you see from the picture, it does have a case. If you want another side of the story, check out my moisture detector app and story, I talk about how the app went and what it took to code the projeek. As for hardware, I first used my raspberry pi 3b from the isee projeek to get the capacitor (the black spike thing) to work. I figured I need something small as you can tell from the 3rd picture of the small version being in the plant. Now a pi 3b would just look down right goofy and probably wreck the plant a decent amount. After the 3b and capacitor started to work, I bought a pico-w which is a tiny pi with a wifi chip. I read up that they were adding bluetooth capabilities, which was exactly what I was looking for. Once I got it to communicate with my bluetooth serial monitor on my smart phone, then I was golden. Next, I needed to get a battery holderl I got a single AA holder which I found out wasn't enough to power on the pico-w. I returned them and was able to buy a 2 AA battery holder which worked great. 2 batteries later and some soldering, and boom, it the function was finished. Lastly, was the case. I had a friend with a 3d printer who went to school for machining so he knew how to create 3d models from scratch I wish I had a picture of prototype model 1. It was a HUGE cyclinder instead of the rectangle you see above. The current case is the one you see above. It needs an update to have a switch buuuut, I've given up, yet again. Onto the next projeek. |